

23 May 2018

TSU hosted representatives of Russian higher education institutions to discuss the implementation of the "Favorable Environment for Foreign Students" Program


Tambov State University named after GR. Derzhavin hosted a seminar-meeting "Implementation of the Favorable Environment for Foreign Students Program in Russian Educational Organizations of Higher Education". The meeting was held within the framework of the Priority Project "Development of the export potential of the Russian education system".

The seminar was attended by representatives of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University, the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Voronezh State University, Vladimir State University named after А.G. and N.G. Stoletov, Lipetsk State Pedagogical University named after P.P. Semenov-Tian-Shansky, Tula State University and Michurin State Agrarian University. They discussed the issues of exporting Russian education and increasing the number of foreign students in the Russian Federation.

By choosing Russian universities, foreign students confirm that our universities provide high quality education," pointed out Vera Skorobogatova, director of the State Expert Evaluation Education Center.” “Returning to their homeland, university graduates take exams, and their countries form the ratings of world universities in accordance with the results of examinations.

The seminar presented the "Favorable environment for foreign students" program and the "Training of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation" standard. The documents were developed by experts of the functional area "Improving the conditions for the stay of foreign students on the territory of the Russian Federation" of the priority project "Development of the export potential of the Russian education system".

“The tasks of the priority project are to increase the competitiveness and popularization of Russian higher education in the world market of educational services,” said Vladimir Stromov, TSU rector. “Holding of such seminars allows us to find the best solutions for the formation of a favorable environment for training of foreign citizens in Russian universities.

The participants of the seminar-meeting considered the possibilities of implementing the "Favorable environment for foreign students" program and made proposals for further work on improving the conditions for the stay of foreign students in Russia.